Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Pollo Frito a la Americana

Fried chicken comes in so many forms within The Project, I think of the Colonel's Original, Crispy, Extra Crispy versions. I also think of the Pickin' Chickin' or Kentucky Fried Chicken memories many of you have shared throughout the time I've been working on The Project.

I've made the Original (Pollo Frito a la Criolla) and Extra Crispy (Pollo a lo Miami) and just now made the in-between, or just Crispy (Recipe #145: Pollo Frito a la Americana).

My favorite? Well, it really depends on the mood that you're in. The difference in each is the coating but the one common factor is the frying.

The Criolla tastes like home with our traditional Cuban flavors.
The Miami reminds you of the fast food chicken you'd take to the beach.
The Americana falls right in-between and gives you a taste of both worlds.

Appropriately so.

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