It just is.
We never had banana bread in our house growing up and the only person I ever knew of as a banana bread baker was Rosana, my best friend's mom. I just chalked that up to her growing up in Miami, not because she was Cuban.
She used to gift her banana bread -- it was that good. And when Diana had her own place, I'd see the rotten bananas in her fridge, just like at her mom's house, and I knew she'd have some banana bread to share in the near future.
I had bananas that were rotten (read: perfect for this recipe) and had placed them in the fridge to stop the ripening process a few days before making this recipe.

They were perfect, mashable and so sweet. Que rico.
While reading through Recipe #542: Pan de Platano, I didn't realize that Nitza asks you to fold the dry ingredients plus the wet ingredients into the butter, sugar and eggs. I beat the ingredients, and as Nathan from La Cocina de Nathan warned, the consistency of the banana bread was a bit denser than if I would have folded the ingredients together.
But the taste was just right. And such an easy recipe to for those rotten bananas that always seem to be in my house -- and yours.
I think I know what to make for Rosana for Christmas.

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